Is the recruitment moving slowly? Are you getting loads of clicks and traffic to your career page without it yielding any results? Then it might be worth kickstarting the new year with a proper overhaul.

Finding the dream job can sometimes feel like searching for hidden treasure - you know it's there somewhere, but you have to dig a bit to find it. And where do you start the search? On the career page, of course - the modern “treasure map” of professional life.

The career page is more than just a list of available jobs.

To attract the talents that will fit best with your company, it's important to clearly showcase what it's actually like to work in the company. Simply listing job openings and giving a brief description of when the company was founded and by whom won't suffice. That's why we've highlighted 7 career pages that we believe are doing something right – and what the treasure on their career page is:


Unique Look – No one wants a boring job, and Fiken makes it clear on their career page that the real treasures are the memories and experiences you make along the way. They emphasize the value in enjoyment and fun, using visual effects such as .gifs and special fonts. A playful and exciting career page encourages further exploration! It's colorful within Fiken's brand, making it stand out and easier to remember.

Additionally, they've made a conscious choice to keep the tone of voice informal and playful. The end result is that their values come across both visually and through text. Smart!

Check out Fiken's career page here

Asplan Viak

Hey, Student! – Asplan Viak AS makes it easy for recent graduates and students to follow their “treasure map” with a dedicated page tailored to them. Here, you'll find an updated list of positions relevant to this target group. Taking the first step in a career can be daunting; a direct invitation like the one on Asplan Viak's career page might be just what a recent graduate needs to send in their application.

Fresh talents often possess the most updated knowledge. Asplan Viak opens up the possibility of writing one's master's thesis with them through an open application. Exciting!

Check out Asplan Viak's career page here


Honest Pictures – NAF has made a smart choice in terms of image usage. By including pictures taken at their own office, one gets an honest impression of the workplace. This also makes it easier to envision a workday there, potentially making NAF more memorable for job seekers during their treasure hunt. Read more about image usage here!

Check out NAF's career page here


Testimonials – "Meet our People". Who can represent the workplace better than those who work there themselves? TV2 shows that they prioritize their employees. Through their career page, you can find no less than 25 interviews with employees in various fields. For large companies, showcasing their different departments is essential; a photojournalist might not necessarily enjoy the workspace just because a data analyst does. This is a simple and effective way to exhibit their valuable gems, likely to pique the interest of most treasure hunters.

Check out TV2's career page here


Sustainability – A treasure hunter needs wind in their sails; it's important that a company can demonstrate interests beyond just profit. A clear and positive approach to sustainability and the environment can improve the company's reputation. This can be advantageous not only to potential employees but also to customers, investors, and other stakeholders.

Check out Fjellsports career page here


Take the Test! - "Do you fit in working with us?". Here, Caverion demonstrates some of the best aspects of the company in an interactive manner. Caverion's values shine through each question, leaving one with a feeling that this is a fun company to work for. If you don't have the backend knowledge to visualize this interactive test-dream, it can be presented as a video or slideshow instead. Do you fit in working at Caverion? Take the test yourself (45 sec):

Check out Caverion's career page here


Humour – If the Police Security Service can use humour on their career page, so can you. PST has the pleasure of offering its employees the opportunity to "Drink bureaucratic coffee from a PST mug"! They also mention that they release the “PST code calendar” and ”PST Easter puzzles” for the Easter Bunny's Security Service each year. By showing that even such a serious and important government entity can joke and use self-irony, they can appear as a more appealing employer and lower the threshold for treasure hunters to embark on their adventure.

PST has also included an overview of the recruitment process on their career page. If applicants get an impression of how long it will take to reach the treasure, it can prevent them from dropping out along the way.

One last point PST chose to include is a typical workday. This can be especially useful for those taking their first career steps and are unsure of what they're actually applying to.

Check out PST's career page here

The Complete Treasure Map

What all these career pages have in common is their ability to showcase the company's treasures - clear career paths, development opportunities, and a community that entices treasure hunters to take a chance on your company.

We hope you have been inspired to take a new look at your own career page. Remember, if you're having recruitment problems, we're happy to have a chat to help sketch out a treasure map tailored to you. Good luck!

Table of contents

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