Jobtip’s automated recruitment marketing on social media has successfully helped Stendi attract and recruit many qualified team members for the past two years.

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Stendi is Norway's largest private care provider, and supplies a wide range of services within child welfare, housing and care services, elderly care, user-directed personal assistance (BPA) and home-based services to the state and municipalities. With 5000 employees, they are constantly looking for new members to join the team and wanted an easy way to reach and attract the right people.


With their constant need to recruit a high number of vacant positions, we set up an automated recruitment marketing strategy that allowed Stendi’s HR department to automatically publish recruitment ads on social media through their ATS system.


Jobtip’s automated recruitment marketing on social media has successfully helped Stendi attract and recruit many qualified team members for the past two years. Their presence on social media has given them a stronger employer brand and the ability to attract passive candidates. The automation has also benefited the team, giving them an easy tool to recruit via social media and spend more time to focus on other important recruitment activities.

“The collaboration with Jobtip has meant that Stendi reaches out to more potential candidates, but also made our everyday life easier thanks to automatic advertising.”

Marc Rayner C Fresnedi

HR team member


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